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a picture Dr. Gibbons

Dr. Jack Gibbons

 Dr. Gibbons has been practicing in PA and NJ for over twenty years. He has spent most of his time in institutional service with severely and chronically mentally ill patients. Some areas of practice include: two years in post acute rehab and eight years with the Philadelphia Police Department and Fire Departments serving uniformed personnel and families. He worked four years at the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. He also worked eight years at the New Jersey Department of Corrections as a clinical supervisor in the prison setting, and two years as state director of mental health services with responsibility for clinical services in fourteen prisons in the state. Three years as supervisor of assessment services and office of court administration; his responsibilities were in the area of forensic assessment and recommendations to the court. Five years as clinical supervisor at the Camden County Jail, serving a city with the highest per capita rate of homicide and drug overdose deaths in the U.S.  He is currently also working another county jail in Cumberland County NJ. Specifically in dealing with quarantined suspected COVID-19 patients who must be in isolation for fourteen days with no time out of cell. In these various environments, his basic tasks have been psychotherapy, fitness for duty with police and corrections officers in the post acute setting, assessment and treatment planning for dementia, Parkinson, AD patients. He has conducted training for the Critical Incident Teams, and assessment and management of the mentally ill in police operations along with Suicide prevention in correctional settings. He also continues to serve as a member of the Police Training Commission in NJ.

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